So Kevin and I are always wondering how Orion acts at church in the nursery. Since I have been in the Primary for the last 2 years, I got into the habit of peeking in on him between classes. But that is usually snack time so he is sitting eating which always makes him quiet. But I love watching him, he is just so cute as long as he doesn't see me. So I especially wonder, "does he act like a nut, goofy and yelling all over the place?" "Is he quiet as a mouse?" "Does he just sit in the corner waiting for us to pick him up?"
This Sunday, Kevin told me that when he picked up Orion, the Nursery leader (who is actually a friend and would tell us if he was getting out of hand) commented to him about how well behaved and reverent and wonderful he is in Nursery. How he plays with all of the children and is a joy to have in class. How he folds his arms for the prayer. He never screams or throws toys or hits or does anything else that a rambunctious 2 year old does. We have a rather large nursery here. Although this year 10 left to be sunbeams, its still pretty good size.
I'll admit it, I was a little surprised. I know he is a good boy but I sometimes wonder if we are getting through to him in teaching him how special the church is. And about reverence and respect. I know that at home he does yell and is a goof and a nut and runs around. And at home I just laugh at him, I like it, he is my comic relief.
But it just made me even prouder that it did come from a friend who would tell us if he was too rowdy. And that he is known for being well behaved in church. i think its wonderful that he can differentiate the 2. Home and Church. Just another proud moment from a lucky mom!